Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sick, June 13, 2010

Today I am sick. I am never sick. But here it is, coughing, head stuffy, rather be dead than alive. I have so many things wrong musculoskeletal but never anything that qualifies as "sick".

I accidentally put my entire blog on facebook. I wish I knew more about how to maneuver through the web. But I guess for an old person I do better than a lot of them.

When I first set up this blog I wanted to just talk about the Lord mostly, but then I discovered I'm the only one who reads it. I guess. Only one woman posted a response and I could never answer because I couldn't figure out how.

This year I'm gardening in tubs. Can't bend over to the ground without much, much pain so I decided on gardening in plastic "tubs". It has been very successful and I planted about 30 or more tubs or pots with veggies. I love to do it, but the bugs are eating as much as I'm growing almost. I swore not to use bug killers, but I finally created soap and garlic mixture I spray on them, but the first time they were watered it washed off. So I gave up and got Safer's Insecticidal Soap. That is better than my homemade brand but they are still eating. My corn is almost as tall as I am and it is only early June. But I got a headstart on planting seeds indoors.

My yards are beautiful with all the perinneals I planted during the past 4 years. I no longer have to add anything --although I do because I can't bear not to plant something new. So I added a section of just Echinacea. I love Echinacea and they have a new one out called Tomato Soup: bright, bright, tomato red. I can't wait for it to bloom.

My grape vine is doing great this year. Last summer we had a grand total of 4 grapes. But that was it's first year. This year I'll bet we get much more. I also had a wonderful crop of plums and plumcots which we all devoured and I shared some with my wonderful neighbors, Robert and Teresa.

Robert and Teresa have been loaning me their dog, Annie, every day for about a month. We rescured from the pound a new 7 month old Manchester Terrier and she is a great dog but can't bear it if we even go out in the front yard. If we go in the back she has access to two doggie doors and can join us as it is fenced. But let us leave where she can't get to us and she chews! Man does she chew. She ate a large portion of my mattress, chewed the foot rail of my daybed, ate a hole in the wooden deck, ate my husband's hearing aid which isn't completely paid for yet--another $1700.00 to go. And worst of all she ate the corners off of two beautiful leather leg rests that go with the chairs that were made expressly for me and Bette in Sweden. I have never spent a lot of money on "things" but these chairs have helped the pain I have all over, every day, so much. Anyway, the leg rests alone, if you divided the money spent on the total chairs, would have cost $1000.00 each. All four corners of leather eaten.
But when Annie, A fawn MinPin is here they run in and out the doggie door, play, squabble, fight, eat, have a blast. They truly love each other. So I decided if we could get Arielle, our Manachester, through this chewing bit and used to being in the house when were were gone and nothing bad happening (because she is having such a blast with Annie) perhaps she would stop eating pillows, blankets, etc. She has a ton of toys that are to chew on, but when we are out, she eats whatever belongs to us. She also refuses to potty outside. Will actually stand inside right in front of the doggie door and poop, and then go through it outside. I hope Annie's being housebroken will help that too.

Next week or the week after Annie goes to N.C. with her family for the summer. They have a lake house there and always take all 4 of their dogs. Arielle will still have our dogs with her (3 Miniature Pinschers- Alexander the Big, Copper Penne, Radar) but they don't play. They are all over 6 years and they think Arielle is a pain in the rear. So we shall see before too long if my assumption was correct...that not chewing for a month or so would keep her from chewing so much.

But, either way, she's here forever. Cause everyone who has ever had a dog understands, they are so special, and after all,
Happiness is to know...

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